
I believe that we should all be doing everything we can to protect our planet, and that the small things we do will help to make a difference. Floristry is an industry where huge improvements must still be made. I am learning and trying to improve all the time, and wherever possible I will seek out the most environmentally friendly options. Here are a few of the things that I am already doing.


I will only use biodegradable wrap and recyclable paper for my bouquets. Packaging and decoration will always be kept to a minimum to let the flowers do the talking. I will also re-use materials wherever possible, including re-using chicken wire and opting for reusable vessels for my designs.

BBF_No floral foam

No floral foam

Traditional floral foam (often known as Oasis) is made from plastic, it is not bio-degradable or reusable and breaks down into harmful microplastics. Because of this I have decided not to use it in my work. Instead I will use less harmful alternatives such as moss, chicken wire and Agra Wool to create my arrangements.

Keeping it natural

I will not use dyed, sprayed, bleached or glittered items in my arrangements. Because of the chemical processes that these are put through, they are not compostable. 

BBF_Local growers

Local growers

Wherever possible I will source flowers from the incredible local flower farmers that we are lucky to have here in Sussex. There is nothing more satisfying to me than making beautiful arrangements from flowers grown on my doorstep. To find and support your local flower farm please visit the Flowers From The Farm website.


All waste, which I will always try to keep to a minimum, is either composted for my own garden, or sent to green waste recycling. 

I am also delighted to work with Confetti Club London who repurpose used flowers into biodegradable confetti. All of their profits are donated to charity, and you can find out more about their fantastic work on their website here. If you would like your flowers to be re-used in this way after your wedding or event please let me know. 


more Information

To find out more about the sustainable floristry movement, please visit the Sustainable Floristry Network website.